Investigating the Healing Potential of Whole Plant Cannabis Extracts

Investigating the Healing Potential of Whole Plant Cannabis Extracts

Introduction  The cannabis industry is missing the mark by focusing on isolates rather than whole plant extracts. Before the discovery of cannabinoids, the endocannabinoid system, and their receptors, people who utilized cannabis focused on the combined effect of whole plant extracts. Ancient cannabis medicine consisted of brews, poultices, smoking, and rudimentary extraction. While these methods may seem primitive, it seems our ancestors had it right from the start. Throughout history...

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CBGa and Honey

CBGa and Honey

People around the world have used honey as medicine for centuries. There’s something about honey that just smacks of “mystical elixir”. It certainly has the look and it turns out the bees that make it are like Nature’s magicians, always maintaining our Earth’s ecosystem through somewhat mysterious processes (look into Bee rituals and flight patterns). That’s why practitioners of traditional Ayurvedic medicine discovered honey to effectively treat wounds and several imbalances in the body. The...

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CBGa And Melatonin

CBGa And Melatonin

A sound sleep is possible Sleep-related disorders are becoming more common. It's a serious issue because lack of sleep can quickly diminish overall health and quality of life. People struggle to fall or remain asleep due to chronic pain, inflammation, anxiety disorders, and other disease conditions. Sleep-inducing drugs come with severe side effects and may even worsen the situation over time. However many people are finding a solution in CBGa, CBD and CBN, and other natural remedies. ...

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CBGA And Painkillers

CBGA And Painkillers

Painkillers vs. Cannabinoids Painkillers are the 3rd most prescribed and among the most abused medications in the world. Any measure we can take to eliminate or reduce dependence on these drugs should be explored thoughtfully. CBGa, CBD, THC, and CBG may possess an excellent analgesic property, but do they mix well with opiates and other painkillers?  While taking CBD and painkillers might be common already, knowing the risks associated with drug interactions is important. Note that cannabis...

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CBGA for Asthma

Cannabis And Chronic Respiratory Diseases Chronic respiratory diseases like lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, acute lower respiratory tract infections, and tuberculosis constitute the fourth-largest cause of death globally. As a major health concern, the diseases affect all races, ages, and gender with just a slight difference in their prevalence. Most of these diseases arise from the inflammation and infection of the airways due to irritants and pathogens in...

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